Enact the Disaster Recovery Reform Act


We must help our communities rebuild and recover while providing them with the necessary resources to prevent future destruction. It’s time to stop the endless cycle of rebuilding to the same, outdated standards after each disaster. Instead, we must break the inextricably connected cycle of destruction, loss of life, and federal waste and:

Leverage the Life- and Cost-Saving Power of Prevention by providing states with access to an on-budget pre-disaster mitigation fund for activities that provide a measurable reduction of risk


Many states and communities lack the resources to invest in preventative measures.


The U.S. should shift post-disaster relief funds into the Pre-Disaster Mitigation Grant Program, which would allow states and communities to apply for funding for proactive mitigation activities that produce a measurable reduction of risk – such as adoption and enforcement of nationally recognized building codes. This shift would be financed by allocating 6% of annual funding from the Post-Disaster Relief Fund to the preventative mitigation programs.

Invest in a Stronger Future Following Disasters by focusing recovery funds toward resilient building code adoption and enforcement


The U.S. is stuck in an endless cycle of “rebuild and repair” where structures are built back to the same outdated building codes after a disaster.


The U.S. must help states and communities build to stronger standards post-disaster instead of rebuilding to the same broken standard. To accomplish this, the U.S. must ensure that state and community building code implementation and enforcement funding is available to affected communities post-disaster to produce resilient construction.